Wednesday 2 August 2017

How to boost your Digital Marketing with PR

PR and digital marketing are two peas in a pod. We need them both in today’s world. The work might look similar but they are a world apart. Digital PR helps the brands to increase their online exposure by building relationships with key influencers and editors. Healthy relations with the key influencers and editors will gain mentions and backlinks on prominent blogs and websites.Articles and stories will often give your product a spin you didn’t anticipate and might just set you up for exponential returns. To get the most bang for your buck, use PR as a launchpad for digital marketingin the following ways:

The left hand must synchronize with the right hand – Hire PR consultants in Delhi that are willing to cooperate and communicate openly with each other. Even today most of the CMO’s donot believe social media is linked closely enough with their organization’s marketing strategies. It is important to appoint someone from within your business or at an agency to make sure the digital team leverages the efforts made by the PR professionals.

Leverage PR in your Digital Marketing - When you’re analyzing ROI, you have to think of both in conjunction. This is a must. You can’t be thinking in vacuum. You can get the best performance of an advert only by leveraging PR. Use your USP and try to make PR strategies of the PR Companies in Delhi, the focal point of all marketing efforts. From ads to customer emails, utilize press to build credibility to get maximum benefits. Having your digital team boost a positive piece of press but by actually putting money behind it and using it as an advertising asset. This will create an incredible momentum.

Patience is the key- But PR and marketing aren’t silver bullets. Both efforts require a long-term commitment. They’ll mature over time but should be seen as augmenting current initiatives in the early days. The value of PR is in the name. It is the practice of building a relationship with your public audiences. Brand attachment is sure to win you a more inclined customer, creating predisposed buyers from which your marketing efforts can then benefit. You need to understand the long term commitment required for an effective PR and digital marketing strategy.

You’ve got a million things to think about when you’re running a business. Finding ways to get double the impact of any one marketing effort will help you focus on what matters most: gaining and retaining customers.These few tips will help you a long way if you implement them wisely. 

Do Indian tech startups need to hire a PR Agency?

The boiling up of Indian tech start-up scene in the recent years has provided tech journalists with a feast of stories, scandals, and gossips. A survey conducted by Innoven Capital revealed that about 65 per cent startups in India are concentrated to the technology niche only. The report pointed out that from the unstoppable growth in smartphone users to the rising number of incubators companies with venture capitalist funding are aiming to raise a median of USD 12.5 million in 2017. And, being a tech journalist, it is a fascinating time to watch this amazing period unfold.
But, in reality, are these start-ups able actually to engage with the media effectively? Do they really need a Public Relation (PR) Agency or are they able to their PR on their own? Let’s have a look at what the Indian tech start-up scene is when dealing media with and without an external PR Agency.
Start-ups in India are generally doing well with marketing themselves to the target audience, but when aiming for media coverage, they usually fail or are not able to get the desired coverage. This all happens all because of two reasons- either you were not showing behaving in the right manner with the journalist or the journalist is avoiding your story as it is not that good enough among the crowd of other tech start-up stories. They can’t understand why- especially since they’ve given in their best possible efforts in creating what they are a unique and next big thing in the market. But they need to understand being part of the company they might think every single piece of information about the company is newsworthy, but from journalist’s point of view, it might not have that essence to be called a news story.
It’s not the idea that is creating a problem but instead, it is the way of presenting that idea through the content in front of media that is a matter of concern. To be better able to reach the media professionals it is only the external PR Companies, especially the PR Companies in Delhi that can help the tech start-ups groom up their content making it suitable for publications. So, instead of denying the appointment of a specialized PR Agency of Delhi, make it a point to hire them and share every minute modification or detail about your business with them to better create an impactful story to be broadcast in media.    

While working with the PR Agencies, whether using the digital PR tools or the digital ones it is the patience that needs to be there while working with them, at least for a startup it’s a necessity. You are no one in the market; they are aiming to give you the name and fame to make a competitive stand in the market, so give them appropriate time to do their work. Startups need to understand that hurrying up for results when working with PR Companies will get them nothing but some unsatisfactory coverages. If not more at least give them a time of two –three months to reflect on their results. Anything less than this much time will not be beneficial as it is the period when the agency is getting familiar with your company, and its way of working.  
If you are an entrepreneur, especially the one with a tech start-up make it a point not to ignore the value of PR Agency because closing down of business due to insufficient market visibility will cause you huge loss as you have a much more expensive operating business than others. And, if you are one located in Delhi, don’t forget to hire and get your hands on some of the best services provided by PR consultants in Delhi. Always remember these expert PR professionals have in the magic that can make your story shine in publications.

Things to know about PR world

Public Relations (PR)is the way in which the companies, organizations and individuals communicate with the public with the help of media. PR offers broad methods that can essentially influence and changes the society’s point view. So, simply put PR is the persuasion business. It is a strategic communication between the organization and the public that builds mutually between them in order to develop a beneficial relationship. Examples include public appearances, press releases, conferences, and as well as the utilization of the internet. There are many PR firms in Delhi which are helping organizations, companies and individual to grow their business fast.
PR firms in Delhi provide a way to get involved with others and understanding on how to build successful relationships with its clients so that they go long with them. Communication is the key to success in PR world that can effectively transform company and its relationships in life.

Good PR professionals are generally curious people with excellent writing skills. Their work includes elements of media analysis, public speaking, psychology, economics and formal communications. A sound knowledge of computer is also a must-have quality in a PR professional. As a PR person, your work will take you to the intersection of many different industries, all of which you need to be at least a little familiar with. Keeping up to date with the current affairs and the trending issues is also important for the PR person. You are required to have clear and accurate point of view of the world in order to advice clients.
PR consultants in Delhi use a number of tool and techniques to boost their client’s public image and help them in growing beneficial relationships with the targeted audience. To achieve that, they use different tools such as events, press release, media statements, awards, conferences etc. PR professionals also utilize the digital PR tools which includes social media and blogs etc. PR specialists give targeted audience a better insight into their client’s activities as well as the increase publicity.

There is also more to the PR profession than just to creating a press release, managing social media and case studies.  Meeting deadlines, writing coherent and accurate pieces, working in a team with different projects, being punctual, professionalism, and being able to sense the reality of the world in a different light are all aspects of the PR world.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

What are the Advantages of Digital PR

Digital marketing requires your business to widen its audience reach as much as possible before working so as to gradually turn these fans or followers into loyal customers of your brand. This is an effort that takes countless amounts of time, money and effort, but the results are measurable by the increased amount of sales you will have when it’s done right. While public relations are incredibly important in real world scenarios, it is now growing in significance online. In fact, it is probably fair to say that a majority of businesses with an online presence now believe digital PR should be a priority, as more and more people are going on the internet to find out information about a company or purchase goods and services.

Let’s talk about how digital PR is bringing about positive changes in the world of PR. Increase visibility - One of the most obvious benefits of digital PR is that it can markedly enhance your business’ visibility online. Not only will numerous outlets distribute press releases and news stories, your search engine performance is bound to improve as well. This is beneficial and is working in favour for most PR companies in Delhi.

Enhance Reputation - The only reason a consumer will go online to submit a product review or to comment on a company’s customer service is that they have had a bad experience. Negative feedback can be counteracted with press releases or an article that explains and apologies for the problem. To fully take advantage of the reputation enhancing benefits of startup PR agency, you may consider releasing exclusive information or a prototype product to generate positive hype and favourable reactions.

Build brand identity - By giving valuable insights into what is going on at the company with an informative yet personal tone, the brand’s identity is sure to gain notoriety. Numerous organisations use digital PR as a platform to become a leading and authoritative voice in their industry. From knowledge, expertise and honesty come a great deal of respect. You’ll probably steal a march on your competitors too.

In case, you haven’t already boarded the Digital PR bandwagon, it’s high time to do it. Reap all the benefits of the digital world!!

Career scope in Digital Marketing

While surfing the internet, you come across various things like some cool and funny memes, sometimes useful sometimes irritating ads, some viral videos, some amazingly written blogs, mobile apps, etc. Do you ever wish of creating any of these? If your answer was in affirmative then congrats you have made your career choice, and that is Digital Marketing. The marketing world in the digital arena is itself a huge empire with many avenues hence; here we have listed a few career choices of the arena to make sure you don’t regret your decision once you’re on board.

A digital marketing manager or digital director – Considered as the head of the digital marketing department, this is the position one needs extreme experience for. To qualify for this position, it’s necessary for a professional to have an industry experience of at least 5-7 years. Your role will be to look after the overall marketing development, devising strategies that will drive more traffic, undertaking digital marketing campaigns, making improvements to the website and updating it regularly, etc.’

Social Media Executive and social media manager – Job in social media is definitely one of the coolest jobs. But don’t mistake it only for tweeting and facebooking. Other than these, the social media executives/managers are also required to keep track of the latest social media trends and plan strategies accordingly, co-ordinate with the content team and client servicing team on a regular basis, creating quality content or video, etc. Knowledge of all the social media platforms and a lot of creativity are a must for this job role.

Content Marketer - If you think that you can write better than what is already there on the web then you are perfect for this role. Responsibilities of a content marketer include creating content that has all the qualities of going viral, making sure that the content is promoted well through SEO, co-ordinating with other teams and incorporating their inputs in content, following content trends, etc. To get into content marketing, you will need an impeccable knowledge of English language along with a lot of creativity. Most of the PR companies in Delhi crave for good content people to join their team because the content is the most valuable part of a company’s page and their clients.

SEO Executive/Expert - A well-designed website will reap in almost no benefits if the company lacks with people promoting it and thus the company hires SEO executives who make sure that the company’s website is all over the web. SEO executives are responsible for getting traffic on the website and improving the Google rankings. They have to make sure that the content on the website is search friendly, conduct keyword research, research about SEO tools, build sitemaps and submit them, etc.

These are just a few career options in the field of Digital Marketing Company in Delhi. This career path is surely going to take you places if you show enough dedication and hard work.