Wednesday 8 February 2023

Steps to Convert A Dull Press Into An Engaging News

 A Press release is a statement released by the organization to the media channels. A dull press is not used or has some mistakes. In this article, we will know the steps to convert a dull press into engaging news. The Press release is important in developing any business's public relations. A press release not only attracts media attention but also helps to shape public perception of your business. The Best PR Agency for Startups recommends doing regular press releases to advertise the new company and its products and services.

Steps to Convert A Dull Press Into An Engaging News

Here are some of the tips to make your press an engaging news-

1. Use Noticeable and Impressive Headlines – The first thing that stands out to the readers is the headlines. It tells a whole story concisely, so it is essential to make the news headlines exciting and eye-catching, forcing the reader to dig deeper into the news. To make it easier to understand, the journalist’s advice to the Best PR Agency for Startups is to keep the headlines as simple as possible so that it pretends that we are talking to each other.

2. Compress the Body - This is where you follow the headlines and make the news more interesting. The readers do not have much time to read a long story. The length of the news plays a vital role in the mind of the readers, so try to keep the body short and to the point. You are advised to keep it simple and straightforward so that the readers can understand it.

3. Include Tempting Quotes - Quoting helps to figure out keys and authorities that underline the significance of your development. The selected quote should form your narrative and emphasize the center of the statement. Use purposeful quotes and bold the keywords. Quotes are used to attract readers and make the news more interesting and engaging. The PR Agency for FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) uses interesting quotes that attract local customers more efficiently. 

4. Customize according to Human Interest – Customizing the news creates an emotional connection with the readers and keeps them engaged. To grab the readers' attention and get them to look at you as a severe prospect, they will spot an angle you overlooked and come again to you with a related topic. Make sure not to do the copy-paste job, so it is always recommended to personalize the news.

5. Summarise in a boilerplate – A boilerplate is an overview of a company and is a key part of a brand's messaging and overall marketing strategy. Also, it acts as an elevator pitch, describing what a company does and why. Always use boilerplate text that includes a link to the company’s website or a phone number to contact so that the reader can make the next step to know you better.


To engage more readers, your news must be eye-catching and impressive to the user in one go. You should follow the abovementioned steps to convert boring and dull press into impressive news with more engagement. The PR agency for FMCG uses these tactics to attract customers locally and sell their products quickly at a relatively low cost.