Monday 18 June 2018

How to start a perfect PR campaign?

In this age of competition where many businesses are trying to gain the leads and win the customers, a lot of them are turning up to PR as the best medium for fulfilling their business goals. Public relations is an effective communication strategy which brings businesses move a step closer to their customers. Call it a one-to-one relationship between them that PR fosters or just a business awareness strategy, it’s a necessity for them! However, running PR campaigns successfully that help the brands improve their image, and expand their customer base is a major roadblock. Not everyone can get it done right. So we have jotted down a few tips how to effectively set up and manage the PR campaign for success below:

1.    Determine your goals
What for you want to set up the campaign? Do you want to showcase your products? Are you seeking enough media coverage to enhance your reputation? Or do you want to attract more investors for your business? It is very critical that you first decide the aim & goals of your PR campaign as it will help you strategize the Public Relations campaign accordingly. Further, you can establish media contacts, and pitch the selective ones who can help you attain the goals.

2.    Conduct a productive research
Once you are clear with your aim & goals, it’s time you begin an extensive research. You must research and identify who are your ideal customers, what are their interests, how do they interact with the different types of content, and to what extent your brand is closer to them. When you know all these things, you can better target the customers to reach and connect.

3.    Hop on your PR plan
Soon after you developed a complete PR plan, including the content distribution & coverage, you must start working on it at immediate. Start with preparing a list of the relevant journalists, and the interactive pitches to send them for covering your business story.

4.    Keep a track
You should keep a track on how your PR campaign is going on. It’s integral for you to know whether all your PR efforts are giving you any results or not. Suppose you opted for one of the PR companies in Delhi, but you want to target the audience in Punjab. In this case, you must keep track of the content being delivered to your audience; measure the impact of coverage you get from newspapers or online media.

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