Monday 22 June 2020

SEO tips to get subscribers quickly on your new YouTube channel

In this day and age, running a business without a YouTube account cannot be called a smart choice. But simply making a channel on YouTube and uploading videos isn’t a guarantee that you’ll get subscribers. The problem is that you aren’t the only one out there who wants to leverage the huge audience base of this popular social media website. There are already millions and millions of channel on the website and they keep on growing with every passing day. So amid this cacophony of so many sounds, how do you ensure that your voice is heard? This is where social media marketing companies come into play. They are privy to a number of tips and tricks that can get you the traffic and the subscribership that you so desire. Let’s take a look at some of those tips that are popular among the SEO companies in Delhi.
Promote your videos outside of YouTube
If you do not have many subscribers on YouTube, naturally the best way to get audience on your channel is to promote your videos outside of YouTube. You can approach blog and article writers and ask them to embed your videos in their work. If your videos cover the same topics that the articles or blogs are about, chances are that the bloggers would be interested in including your video. People love watching videos and if it improves traffic on their website, they’d sure take that chance. As a result, their audience would come across your video and maybe subscribe to your channel. Moreover, this will send a positive signal to YouTube and it’ll start promoting your channel and your rankings will improve.
Translate and transcribe your videos
YouTube is very competitive but it is most competitive English language. Ranking for other languages is comparatively easier. Therefore you should always consider translating and transcribing your videos for a wider reach. This way, you’ll be able to tap into an entirely new audience and this is a strategy that a lot of PR firms in Delhi already use – so it means that it does work. By translating your videos, you get to cover a lot more ground and the chances of people becoming your subscribers increase even more.
Leverage your existing audience
Chances are that if you are running a business, you must already have a full-functioning website. If you want to get more audience on your channel, the first step you can take, is embed your videos in your own website. This way, all the people who visit your website will get to know about your channel and the kind of content you’re making. Since they’ve already followed you once on one platform, chances are that they’ll follow you on another one as well.
If you have search traffic going to your website, look at your most popular post. You can see these within your Google Search Console or Google Analytics. Look at the most popular pages. See which videos you have that are the most relevant to that YouTube clip or video that you’ve created, and embed that video into your blog post. It’ll help your videos get consistent views and it’ll also mean that the visitors to your website will linger on for longer. This will not only help you gain subscribers for your YouTube channel but it’ll also boost traffic on your website.

How to use press release to gain instant media attraction

There are plenty of PR firms in Delhi and other metro cities in the country that utilize press release as a strategy to further the cause of PR. Writing a press release is one of the oldest PR strategies and it has been in use even before the invention of digital media. Press Releases leverage the large reader-base of famous newspapers and magazines to expose an organization to a large population. PR firms in Delhi primarily write press releases for the quick dissemination of news about their client or to repair the image of their client or to create buzz about a product. This is the reason journalists’ mailboxes are flooded everyday with thousands of releases.
So, how do you stand out among a plethora of releases and catch the journalist’s eye? According to certain statistics, approximately 70% of all the journalists spend one minute or less on average while reading a press release proposal; the remainder invest less than 5 minutes. This goes to show that most of the releases that are sent to the journalists end up getting rejected. This also suggests that most of the companies that provide SEO services in Delhi have a tough time convincing the journalists to publish their client’s story. However, against all the odds, the best SEO companies in Delhi get success in convincing the journalists to publish their stories. The only way to accomplish that is to write a release that is of the highest quality. Let us look at some of the characteristics of an excellent press release that is too irresistible to not be published by any journalist.
Less is more: Cut down on the words, not the essence of the release
A lot of people are under the misapprehension that lengthy press releases have a higher chance of getting accepted by the journalists. The reality, however, is that the lengthy a press release is, the lower is the probability that the concerned journalist would be inclined to read it whole. As a result, it would most likely get rejected. Therefore, you’ve got to focus on being concise and convey your message in 200 to 300 words. That is the ideal length of the release as the journalist can take off a couple of minutes to give your release a read and if he finds it authentic and of a high quality, he’d pick it up.

Get a high A.R.T. score
Oftentimes, brevity isn’t enough; you also need to ensure that your release has a lower A.R.T. (Average Reading Time). If you haven’t been clear and to the point in your release or if you’ve used too many complex sentences or unconventional words, then the reader might struggle with your release, even though it’s only 300 words. Therefore, you need to consider factors like brevity, crispness, reading comprehension, and simple vocabulary in order to maximize your chances of being accepted by a reputed publication.
Press release is a great tool for PR and if you want to excel in the field, you need to ensure that you develop a mastery over writing unique and inspiring releases.

How to get endless content ideas with one free SEO tool!

There are over 4 million blog posts being published every single day. How do you ensure that your content is going to stand out and people would want to read it?
The easiest way to tackle this problem is to use a free online tool – Ubersuggest. It has some of the best content ideas. All you have to do is enter the keyword for which you want to create the content, e.g. dog food, and what you’ll see is that Ubersuggest will give you an overview about that keyword: its popularity, other keyword ideas etc. And as you scroll down, you’ll see content report. This report will show you all those blogs related to the keyword that are popular.
This is why it is such a great tool and many SEO companies in Delhi and PR firms in Delhi make use of it. Not only does it give you an endless list of ideas but it also gives you new keywords that might be relevant to your space. And then most importantly, it also shows you everyone who is linking to that blog post.
Now when you’re doing this, you don’t want to create a same copy of the content that they’ve already created. Instead, you can compare what works with what doesn’t and leverage that knowledge to come up with your own content ideas. Then you should start writing on similar topics using Brian Dean’s skyscraper technique. This technique means that you keep building on your article and keep adding content to it consistently. When you do that, your article not only remains relevant and up to date, it also keeps getting more and more in-depth about the subject that you’re writing. However, don’t just add words for the sake of it. That is not how companies that provide SEO services in Delhi operate. You need to add words that would make your article more meaningful and more impactful.
Now once you’ve written your article, go back to Ubersuggest and look at all those people who link to your competitors. Hit them up and send them a mail asking them to link themselves to your blog or article. Be polite and mention that you noticed that they linked to XYZ site and that your content is similar, so they could link to your site as well. You might have to send a hundred of such kind of emails, but once you do, you’ll find that a handful of those people would link back to you – and that is exactly what you need.

How to get a ton of traffic on your website without paid promotion!

Google generates $100 biilion in paid advertising every year. Facebook generates more than $40 billion dollar in paid advertising every year. But do you know there’s a way to get organic traffic to your websites without burning a hole in your pocket by paying for paid advertising. Let us take a look at this hack that SEO companies in Delhi and other parts of the country use for organic marketing.
Here’s a thing about paid advertising: yes, it generates ROI, and if it’s positive for you, you should be doing it. But the truth is that a majority does not click on paid listings. So let’s take a look at this hack that allows you to get organic traffic on your website.
According to the social media marketing companies, if you’ve got a blog and you’re active on it, you’re already ranking for something other than your brand name. If you don’t know what you’re ranking for, you can go to the Google Search Console and it’ll show you all the terms that you’re ranking for. Once you the terms you’re ranking for, look to see what page it’s going to. Once you know what page it’s going to, head to Ubersuggest and enter that keyword. It’ll show you all the long tail variations of that keyword.
What you have to do next is to take those terms and see which ones are relevant to the article or the page that’s already ranking. Then go to that page and rewrite the content to be more detailed to include the long tail keywords that you haven’t already included. What you’ll find is that Ubersuggest shows you the most popular terms that are related to the head term, and it even lists them out in order on the basis of popularity. If you include those phases in your content, according to the companies that provide SEO services in Delhi, you’ll start ranking for those keywords within 30 to 60 days. But remember to not spam the article with keywords. Use them in the right places and adjust you content accordingly. If your article becomes longer, it’s even better. The more in-depth your article, the greater is the probability of a person returning to your website as it seems like a one-stop-shop.
Now that you’ve adjusted your content, make sure that you take those long tail phrases and put them in your title tag and meta-description. By including those keywords or at least some of them in your title tag and meta-description, you’ll notice that it is easier and faster to rank for them. A word of advice: when you’re writing your article, link to different sites and sources that you think might benefit your audience. Because when you’re linking out to other people, it makes them flattered and they may link back to you in return or share your article, which will drive further traffic to your website.

How is SEO changing in the year 2020

SEO is a constantly evolving process, and it keeps changing with time. What might have worked in the past may not be very useful, while new tactics keep emerging all the time which can help drive more traffic to your website. Let us take a look at some of the new SEO trends that would dominate the year 2020 according to the top SEO companies in Delhi.
Reduced number of clicks on Google search results
First of all, according to a research by Jumpshot and SparkToro, 49% of all searches result in a no click. This means that people are either giving up on searches, or they’re getting the answers right then and there from Google. In 2020, this trend is likely to grow even more.
Organic traffic will decline
The number of visitors from organic traffic is going to continue to decline. According to a report by Merkle, the total clicks produced by organic search fell 6% year over year in Q2 of 2019. So in 2020, the companies that provide SEO services in Delhi are expecting the traffic to go down.
Google will be competing more heavily with Amazon
Google has recently added the ‘Buy on Google’ button which allows you to purchase the product you’re looking for without having to visit the seller’s website. While it isn’t perfect, but it’s noteworthy that they’ve rolled it out – which means that Google is entering into a turf war with Amazon. This is an opportunity that the SEO companies in Delhi and other metro cities can leverage to boost the sales of their clients.
Rich snippets will become popular
More people are going to get their information from rich snippets. According to a study by Path Interactive, on people aged between 13 and 18, a whopping 40% get the information they need from the snippet without clicking through. Now this may cause you to lose some traffic but look at it this way: those people just wanted information and weren’t going to buy anything anyways. But the fact that Google is working on increasing user experience, it means that more people will come on Google, which in turn, would drive more traffic to your website.
Since the traffic you’ll get now will be more focused, it would mean that you’d witness higher conversion rates as well. You shouldn’t think that Google is evil and is doing all this only for its own good, because that’s not the case. You may get lesser traffic now, but that is because Google is filtering the traffic that would have been of no use to you anyway.