Sunday 31 May 2020

Importance of translation services in the world

There are a myriad of reasons why translation services are important all over the world. Let’s take a look at some of the most compelling ones:

Translation blurs borders between countries and connects them

One thing common among all human cultures is that we’re all capable of using language. However, our communication is often limited to the people who speak our language. Many a times, this language barrier is invisible as we rarely get to interact with people from different countries and cultures, but with the global economy on the rise, we can no more neglect the importance of language translation services in Delhi and other metro cities of the world. We need to translate our content in order to communicate with people beyond borders and connect with different countries.

It develops a deep bond between people

Once upon a time, a famous Korean singer was doing a concert in India. She wanted to connect with local people, so she asked her manager to tell her how to say good bye in Hindi. However, she knew that a simple goodbye wouldn’t be enough. So she sang a couple of lines in Hindi and ended the concert with “phir milenge” which developed a bond between her and the audience and people swooned in awe of her.

You can spread a lot of knowledge through translation

By employing the services of the best translation companies in Delhi, you can get the entire global literature translated into the languages that you understand. You can also reverse the process and get Indian literature translated into different languages of the world. Either way, you are helping spread knowledge throughout the world. Just imagine, without language translation agencies, the great literatures of so many countries would have remained confined in those countries and wouldn’t have inspired so many people all over the world as they have because they were translated. Translation exposes people to new ways of thinking and new ideologies which help people develop and grow.

Business demands translation for growth

When you start as a small scale company, you’re limited to a specific region and language barrier is never an issue. But once you outgrow your bubble and come across the different cultures and countries, it is inevitable that you’d need to translate your content into different languages to get a broader reach. More than 70% people all over the globe do not recognize English as their native language. Countries like China, Russia, Japan, Germany etc, rarely use English, and they are some of the greatest economies of the world.

Common Sense Advisory conducted a study, in which, it discovered that 75% of the customers preferred to purchase products that were marketed in their native language.”

Saturday 23 May 2020

Why Human Translation is better than Machine Translation

With the increasing globalization of economy and the development of new trade relationships between companies, there is a growing need for effective communication between people who speak different languages. For instance, imagine a company based in India that procures raw materials for productions from China. Now, without employing the services of language translation agencies, it would be impossible to have effective communication. Therefore, in order to do business beyond one’s native region, translation is essential.

Now, depending upon the requirement, translation itself can be done in two ways – Machine Translation and Human Translation. Whether you talk about business manuals, websites, promotions, brochures or magazines, Human Translation is the better alternative.

Machine translation is one of the simplest forms of translation. There are plenty of tools available for Machine translation and one of the most popular ones is Google Translate. However, fast and easy as it is, Machine Translation isn’t the most effective way. The reason is that the computer doing the translation cannot take into account the different intricacies of language like metaphors, idioms and proverbs – and as a result, the translated message can often be very different from what was intended by the sender of the message. This is why it is necessary to avail services of translation services in Delhi and other metro cities of the world – depending upon where your business is based.

Here are five differences between human and machine translation that show why you should prefer the former:

Tonality and style

Computers do not have a firm grasp of tonality and style and they are unable to understand the nuances that can lead to disastrous translations. For example: shock and surprise are similar words but depending upon the context, they can have different meanings. While a human translator can recognize this, computers can’t.

Understanding of culture

Every culture has its values and traditions. While translating the content, one has to be careful not to write something that might offend the people. Unlike computers, humans based upon their experience, can exercise their discretion in that regard.


Homonyms – or words with multiple meanings are a big roadblock for computer translators. There are many words in almost every language which can mean different things based upon the context in which they are used. For instance, take the word ‘nail’. It could mean a piece of hardware or the act of hammering that piece of hardware or many other things. What it means would depend upon the context in which it is used. While a human translator can easily identify the context, computers have difficulty in doing so.


Since computers are unable to identify different contexts, cultural references, idioms and proverbs etc, they can’t very well maintain the quality and a lot is lost in translation. But if you hire translation services in Delhi, you can get a team of dedicated human translators who would make sure that the essence of the message remains intact while translating.

Translation Types

Computer-based translation is always very literal and it can sometimes be very problematic. A word-for-word translation can lead to a lot of misinterpretation – especially in regard to idioms. If you hire a human translator, he/she can interpret the cultural component, a linguistic and semantic factor present in the source text. Thus, the translation would be more accurate.

Why PR is important for your business?

PR (Public Relations) is all about meeting your marketing objectives with the help of the media. The process involves taking the message that you want to deliver to your target audience and getting the media to successfully cover it. This is the reason PR can be really critical for business.

First of all, from a positive, proactive sales side, it can make or break a business essentially. If you think about it, just about everything we read – in the news, in the publications, in the media around us – has been touched in one way or the other by PR. What makes PR really important to a business is that you are controlling the message that you want to deliver and getting across what you want to say about your product in the media. There is a wide network of PR agencies in Delhi that can help you realize your goal of getting your voice across to your target audience amid a cacophony of voices.

The other side of PR, which is crisis management, is just as important. Quite often we see that fake stuff is written about people and brands to tarnish their image and many businesses suffer because of this. But if you are PR savvy and know how to respond, you will have an opportunity to counter that negative campaign going against you. The power and potential that PR has to catapult any business to the greatest heights of success is truly amazing.   

One of the most common misconceptions people hold in their minds about PR is that it is a random process and a gamble – but that is not true. If you hire a good, well-reputed PR agency – and there are a few really great PR agencies in Delhi – then you’ll notice that they follow a proper methodology to accomplish their tasks and get you the desired results. Social Media is perhaps the newest addition to this sector and it has made the PR process even more effective. With their social media marketing services, the PR companies can build your brand image and expand your existing customer base.

People have started frequenting the social media websites more than ever and the trend is not showing any signs of slowing down. At a time like this, when media is holding the attention span of people in its fist, it is only natural that a brand should approach a PR firm to give wings to their business. 

PR Pitfalls that you need to avoid as a start-up

There are many bright individuals in this world who have brilliant business ideas. But as innovative as the idea might be, it wouldn’t do you any good if you don’t know how to sell it. Many innovators and inventors have entered the market in the past with their revolutionary ideas and have vanished without a trace. It is therefore, very important to know how to market an idea and when it comes to marketing an idea and explaining its worth to the common populace, there is no better option than PR. But before you go knocking at the doors of PR agencies in Delhi, here are some pitfalls you should know about. 

Not going for PR at all!

The worst PR pitfall is to avoid PR altogether. Many start-ups in their initial phases especially, think they can handle their PR on their own. Taking things in your own hands may, at first, seem like a good option, but if you stay in that phase long enough, you’d feel like a deer caught in the headlights. There is tremendous pressure on a young startup to generate ROI and to stay afloat. When you’re managing a million things, you shouldn’t burden yourself with the hassling involved in the PR process. Since the media companies don’t know you, they wouldn’t be keen on accepting your invites or publishing your stories. But if you hire one of the PR firms in Delhi, they can get you the desired coverage as they have quite a wide network.

 Thinking that PR is a “one-time-thing”

Many business owners are under the impression that PR is a one-time-thing. They believe that once they have established their market presence, they’re set for a lifetime. What they forget though, is that every other business owner out there is trying to beat the market and in time, if you do not keep up with them, they’ll beat you in terms of outreach and succeed. This is why, once you have tied up with a good startup firm in Delhi or any other metro city in the country, you shouldn’t let go of it.
PR is something that requires nurturing from time to time – sometimes to acknowledge people about the launch of a new product or service, sometimes about your philanthropic efforts for the society and sometimes to rebuild a tarnished image. One thing that cannot be neglected, however, is that it is a continuing process.

Confidence and overconfidence

No one can deny that an owner knows his company the best and can perhaps tell the stories on a much deeper level. But here’s the problem – the media companies do not care how good your individual story is; they care whether or not that is relevant to their own audience. So the start-up brands that try to micromanage everything and want to pitch their own stories in their own manner are going to have a problem getting the coverage they want because the media portals wouldn’t necessarily find those stories worth pitching to their audiences. Therefore, one should be confident in one’s abilities; but overconfidence may end up ruining everything.

Wanting instant success

There’s an old adage, “Rome was not built in a day.” Old as it is, it’s still very relevant. To build anything great takes time. No brand worth its salt has become an overnight success. If you want to get to the top and stay there, you need to develop patience. Of course, you must be careful about choosing the PR agency, but once you’ve made your decision, you need to stand by it and show some faith. If an agency has an extensive list of successful clients, it isn’t a mere coincidence; it means they are good at what they do and you should let them do it.

 Once your PR campaign reaches a certain point and you break the threshold, there is an exponential rise in placements, but until then, you need to be patient and help out your agency in crafting the most wonderful stories that can get you the coverage you so desire.

Thursday 21 May 2020

How to use your own brand as a secret SEO tool!

If you want to thrive in SEO, you need to build a brand. Eleven years ago, the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, said, “Brands are the solution and not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.” His words stand true to date. Companies and websites that have invested in building a brand are becoming more and more prominent in terms of ranking higher on Google search results. In this article below, we have collected information from the top SEO companies in Delhi and sought out their advice on how to use your own brand as a secret SEO weapon.

You’ve probably heard of using SEO to build your brand but what about using your brand to build SEO?

The simple solution is to use your own brand and capitalize on it to create a business that is valuable to your audience. So there are two key steps that you need to take in order to achieve success.

Recognize your target audience

If you don’t know who will be interested in your business, chances are, you wouldn’t make it too far. So, first and foremost, recognize the people that would want what you have to offer. The idea is to stick with what you’re known for. Instead of going for a million things at once, specialize in one niche and gather as much information on it as possible.

Creating a valuable product for your target audience

Once you’ve decided what your target audience is, you need to develop a product that would offer value to your target audience. For instance, if you are into lifestyle and fashion and you’re known for the same, you can develop products around that niche. For example, when Kylie Jenner became a worldwide sensation, she launched her own range of nature products. Since she had already made a name for herself in the cosmetics niche, people valued her products and her business grew at a breakneck speed. Many young businesses can get in touch with SEO companies in Delhi which can help them craft their products according to their audience.

More and more people are creating their own brands with the help of PR firms in Delhi and other metro cities of the world. There is such a huge market for this kind of business right now and there are a plethora of opportunities. Influencers are the entrepreneurs of today. Now, more than ever, small, online influencers and brands are building their businesses.

The idea is to put yourself out there; the more you put yourself out there, the more people are going to interact with your brand. SEO companies in Delhi like to call it the rule of 7. According to this rule, when someone sees and interacts with you 7 times, they’re much more likely to relate to your brand. This, in turn, creates more search queries. The more there are search queries for your brand, the easier it will be for you to rank higher on Google and get the desired traffic that can catapult your brand towards success.