Monday 24 May 2021

Here's How You Should Deal With Negative Online Reviews For Your Business!

 The popularity of social media has increased. Reviewing websites and online businesses is also expanding. Owners should be aware of what the customers are commenting and saying about their products and services online.

Through social media only, you can deal with negative reviews. You can get help from an online PR agency to deal with reviews and increase online customers.

Handling negative reviews can be easy if you follow some rules:

1)Try to Answer Fast

If you answer the negative comment pretty fast, then it can leave a good impact on your customer. A swift response always wins over consumers. It is the correct thing to perform, and it also lessens the damage.

2) Acknowledging is an important Task

Disregarding online reviews is not good. Without taking it to a personal level, sorting out the problem is the best option. The most crucial part is that the customers who watch the reviews may think badly about the unanswered complaints. The reviews that are not addressed look terrible.

3) Deal it with calmness

Answering or handling the comments and responses in a fury can look worse. Unreasonable answers and comments should be addressed with calmness. Keep in mind that customers are watching your online portal. The negative reviews must be answered with an incredible mind without any hostility. Customers may like the way you have solved the problem.

4) Give a Custom Response

Give the customer a response filled with compassion and empathy. You can reply to the comment with care and emotion.

5) Don't Get Personal

Always try to be thoughtful and give a unique answer to the review's complaints. Never try to attack the customer or get personal, even how harsh the review is against your company.

6) Offering an Effective Solution

Negative reviews offer you an opportunity to convey true customer service expertise. How effectively it is done is the critical part. It may enhance your business rather than diminishing it. Always try to clear everything of the customer's complaints. Nowadays, consumers look at the comments first before ordering something online.

7) Turn over the written comments

Negative reviews provide an excellent possibility to recapitulate that your company is excellent. You should reply to them in a way that your company has been running for many years, and you have 99% satisfied customers. It can emphasize the reputation of your company. Commitment to clients is important.

8) You can Continue the Conversation Offline

If you continue the conversation offline and speak privately with the customers, it can be beneficial. Continuing the issue online for much time can look bad. Turning an unhappy customer into a happy one can be an outstanding achievement for your company.


So responding with calmness and promptness is the key to success. It is also the way to deal with a negative comment. You can reach out to a good online pr agency in Delhi for boosting up your online business.

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