Sunday 17 June 2018

Has print media lost its credibility against digital?

No doubt, online news media is now counted as an inevitable part of the mainstream media but does it mean that newspapers, in particular, have lost their popularity? Where reading news reports and articles is made easy with free and unlimited access across the globe, does print newspapers charged with pennies still matter? This can be best explained by expert PR consultants in Delhi who still prefer print newspaper more than online for wide coverage in this digital age.

•    Reach & Accessibility
Certainly, the reach of the internet is larger-than-life and extended beyond the physical barriers. It means any news can be read by global audience creating a universal brand identity quickly and easily. However, there are innumerable areas where internet is still not available, and they stay tuned to current affairs through newspapers only. Therefore, overlooking news coverage would simply hint at the loss of visibility you are having.

•    Trustworthiness
A lot of news websites are competing with each other online to reach the users as quickly as possible. For this, they require tons of articles, press & matte releases, and every other sort of content that helps them drive the users in lesser time. And hence, many publish the news lacking data or originality. This is not the case with newspapers. Many PR companies in Delhi believe newspaper coverage is far better than online as credibility and trust are communicated with print more than digital. The journalists and editors of the newspapers work following all ethical norms and investigation process and deliver only the worth content to its readers.

•    Brand Salience
The entire purpose of Public Relations is to foster good relations with the audience in general. And, good relations influence the consumer’s behavior when he is in a state of buying product or services. Unlike online media where a consumer skims over a hundred of articles, one article published in a newspaper is 2X effective in creating brand salience. After all, print media has a long-lasting impression in the minds of readers.

With all these solid reasons, we may decipher that the credibility or popularity of print media may have declined but not lost. In fact, the PR companies in Delhi are delivering the fine-tuned quality content on both online and offline platforms to the readers. For instance, if anything goes viral online, it will surely be published on the first page of the newspaper.

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