Wednesday 16 October 2019

Public Relation Mistakes

Everything that appears wonderful and massive certainly has a lot of hard work behind.  So if you see a company all over social media, most likely a good PR Agency is behind it. The efforts of PR Agencies in Delhi, Mumbai, and worldwide are reflected through the burning presence of the business.  And for the companies who you saw for a few days and are nowhere to be seen, well perhaps they could not avoid these mistakes mentioned below:

1. Not enough research:  As a PR company or a PR individual, undertaking research about the media you are planning to target for PR activities is imperative. So if this research is not undertaken or only half of it is done, pitfalls are not far. To mark a powerful beginning of the PR activities, research about journalists and the publication is indispensable.

2. Perceiving the subject: A right pitch is important to be pitched at the right place to the right person. So if the research you have done is not appropriate, your PR activities could be jeopardized. PR Agencies in Delhi when pitching about a subject to a journalist who is based in another city without any knowhow of the Delhi culture would not make sense. In this, case even though the SEO Services in Delhi may have generated a large audience, but not knowing the journalist could be a disaster and certainly avoidable.

3. Not propagating the PR: Yes, the fact that you have PR for your business is also a fact worth propagating. Your media partner, your publication partner, all that will be written about if you as a business mention the PR with pride. Self-promotion and promotion of the business through SEO Services in Delhi, and countrywide, reflect that you have a team that creates an interesting story, so go for it!

4. What to Pitch and how: When enough research is not done, the pitch about how and what needs to be stated is unclear. Use your wisdom as PR here and prepare a pitch before you propose your idea to the media house. If the pitch is not well written and well thought, it seems no more than an advertising idea, thus, prepare a result-oriented pitch. Besides, the pitch, your good relations with the media house also play an important part in propagating the story.

PR Campaigns

When a business begins to flourish and wishes to project the same at a larger level, PR campaigns are planned. These are a series of events taking place where the brand positioning and strengthening are done through various paid activities. Advertising is one of the paid activities here along with other PR tactics. PR Companies in Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, and other big cities derive a lot of profit in terms of branding of their products and services. These campaigns are a way of reaching out to people through media. Let us understand the important features of PR campaigns that various PR Companies in Delhi and all over the world try to inculcate in order to get favorable results.

Delivering the core message: When something new is introduced by the business, its launching is done using Social Media Marketing Services.  Post this, the same contemporary product is launched during the PR campaigns, delivering the core message to the target audience. This message may have been directly or indirectly floated on other tools; however, during the campaign, it is important that the core message becomes the only motive and the same is delivered to the target audience. This can be done through paid advertising, and through one-liners that one easily associate him/her self with.

Improving the brand's reputation: Through campaigns, the brand of the business is strengthened. Here direct selling is not happening, instead, two-way communication happens between the company and the audience. This process of communicating helps in improving the brand and its position in the market. When the audience begins to relate themselves to the company, it is half the work done. In such cases, they are most likely to become loyal as well as brand endorsers.

Press Release: When a  PR campaign is launched journalists are a part of the launch too. However, for them to propagate your business, it is important that good content is written. A strong and catchy one-liner must make the heading when the journalists speak about the product. Through this the PR companies can leverage well and gain an impetus for the next media release.

Social Responsibility: No matter how much social responsibility you have shown through the Social Media Marketing Services, it is important that this and much more in this arena should be a part of the PR campaign. This accredits the business towards gaining a positive outlook by the audience and among the journalists too.

PR and SEO Mélange

It is customary that two things come together for a common purpose. Confluence of SEO and PR happens in most cases as not just the business owners benefit, but also the PR agencies and SEO Services. If PR Agencies in Delhi integrate their strategies with SEO Services in Delhi and work towards a common goal of making the business visible, the chances of success enhances manifold. This amalgamation is worthy and lets us find out why and how:

1. Transcending into an approach of mutual benefit is the common goal of PR and SEO services. To culminate this, nothing but a good ranking on the search engines with an increased domain authority is needed. So if PR comes together with SEO, SEO content can be ranked up if the PR pushes it through the social contacts and connects.  

2. Altering the conventional press release into an interactive media session is possible when the SEO content is shared with the PR. A press release taking place in New Delhi will have PR Agencies in Delhi and most likely the SEO Services in Delhi too. This enables the business to gain more propagation through the mighty presence of both during the press release. This will also increase the rankings and the keyword strategy boosts the profitability of the business.

3. Credible Content through SEO is a thing of the recent past. This began when the algorithms on Google changed and only good SEO Content received high rankings. However, this fundamental of having good content during any PR tactic has been prevalent ever since. The common feature of credible and informative content leads to established sites making a way through to link themselves on the high ranking SEO websites.  The task of both SEO and PR becomes the same and hence, an integration.

4. Branding can be driven in the best way when PR strategies come together with SEO content.  A meaningful content can only stay on and attain visibility on Google, and PR Agencies need those from SEO experts. Thus, a mélange of the services takes place when PR agencies merge with SEO Experts and SEO content becomes invigorating through the right push by the PR agencies. This mutual dependency is an example of a perfect integration of two aspects of similar business.  

Although we are talking about integration, we must not forget that PR has been invariably present and SEO is a newbie. 

PR A bargaining chip for a business

PR Agencies and their services are perking up the businesses. This is the most compelling reason why a huge investment in PR and Social Media Marketing Services is being made. A meticulous balance between the advertising of the product and that of the PR is being maintained each month. This is done because each business is well aware of the beguiling benefits a PR is capable of bringing to their sales and who does not like an upsurge in business? Below listed are some fundamental services PR Agencies in Delhi, Mumbai, and everywhere in the country provides and that a business can leverage upon:

Brand Positioning: A good brand positioning allows a customer to think before he/she decides to buy services or products. PR enables this thinking by creating a brand value and a certain level in the consumer market. PR Agencies in Delhi are capable of managing the reputation of the brand anywhere in the world. For this, the right medium is what they need to select.

Public Affairs: PR services are needed not only during the infancy stage but even later. When a business attains a certain level and looks for an expansion beyond the boundaries, it is the PR Agencies that craft sustainable strategies such that enable the business to easily creates a niche in the new market as well. Numerous suggestions are propounded by the PR agencies that empower the businesses to foray into various other services. These can be community services or a sponsorship for an event that will highlight their name in good stead.

Social Media Handling: Whether a company exists, its credentials as mentioned during advertisements are true or false, and whether the company is what it promises to be, is all unveiled to the common people through the PR. And if the company already exists on Social Media, PR handles queries there uses the Social Media Marketing Services and its clout. When answering customer's queries and posting videos about the owner and the family gives the company a human touch. This is the best trust- building method a customer develops faith in the product.  

Advertising and Marketing: Strategizing the company's affair regarding the products is in the hands of the PR professionals. Hence, they are the ones who decide the best way a product can be marketed. Although PR does not replace marketing, it suggests the brand ambassadors and the advertising mediums.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Bungles and Gaffes PR efforts to succeed goes in vain

Ample of resource allocation, heaps of planning, PR efforts may still not reap the positive branding for the business. Propagating about a business without being considerate about the audience and hurting the emotions of the masses often gives no room for any damage control. It is important to create an image based on the quality of the services and products and not just PR. PR Firms in Delhi and all over the world have significantly learned from bungles created in PR history. Let us take a look at those:

Loyalty: When the employees of an organization are not loyal and try to jeopardize the image of the company, PR efforts become unnoticed. One such issue had risen almost a decade ago when the two employees of a popular food chain made a video of their nasty ways of cooking pizza. SEO Companies in Delhi and all over the world had created sensation over social media. Instead of the company's PR and management clarifying the air immediately made statements after two days. The time taken had tarnished their image manifold and took them years to resurrect themselves.

Not standing for the correct: In 2010 a company called Greenpeace when tried to disclose how the life of orangutans is endangered due to the use of palm oil in making the chocolate by a company. This was against the Animal Welfare; however, the company that was responsible for this did not take any relevant action to diverge from the claims. On the contrary, they made a deal with YouTube to remove the video and even bought infringement rights, proving their involvement in the wrong. PR Firms in Delhi and worldwide must take a lesson to always take the stand for the righteous.

Hurting someone's emotions in the process: Owning up mistakes is often the best practice an individual or a company must follow. This leads to the involvement of the public and helps in resurrecting the image if at all things have gone wrong. When an Airline company removed a passenger from the flight, just before boarding, the CEO of the company did not full-heartedly apologize for the actions which did hurt the sentiments of the people who saw the video of the passenger being removed from the flight as it was disruptive to think of SEO Companies in Delhi and everywhere else also leveraged upon the content and earned brownie points for showing the story.